Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Black Mesa Caravan Projects Needs List

September 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Action Alerts, Latest Posts

Latest needs as of 09.24.2010: Please continue to check out this list, as it may change and grow as we get closer to the dates of the caravan. A covering for a large dome for meetings. Either re-purchase another one from Pacific Domes or get the materials. Supporters to come early to help prepare the […]

Cultural Sensitivity & Preparedness Guidebook + Registration Form

October 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Events, Latest Posts

Cultural Sensitivity & Preparedness Guidebook + Registration Form

This document is an in-depth guide that contains important information that you will need prior to and during your visit with a host family on Black Mesa. It gives you crucial information about what to expect, what to bring, and how to carry yourself while visiting Black Mesa. This guide covers how to be adequately prepared, background and current his/herstory, safety and legal issues, cultural sensitivity, code of conduct, and a suggested list of what to bring with you.

We ask all direct, on-land supporters of Black Mesa to thoroughly read over this guide and sign it. For Dine’, Hopi, & all other First Nations who understand and know traditional lifeways, there is additonal information in this guidebook for each person to review that is for the well-being of each participant. We want to ensure that each person is informed about the agreements & basic requests by families, is safe and accounted for, and that that we have your contact and emergency contact info in case of an emergency. It is of the utmost importance that you understand and respect the ways of the communities that you will be visiting. Please print out & bring this guidebook with you during your visit to Black Mesa. A heart-felt thank you for your support and have a good time on Black Mesa.

You must come prepared, and bring everything you will need. There is no electricity, no central heating, and no running water. Further down in this guide book you can find a list of suggestions for what you should bring with you to be prepared for your stay on Black Mesa.

Leonard Peltier In Support Of The Dine’ of Big Mountain

October 18, 2001 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

Greetings Friends and Supporters, I am writing to reiterate my full support of the Dine’ of Big Mountain and  their continued resistance against relocation. The final eviction day,  February 1st, came and went without any major confrontations or skirmishes. I  think this strategy is very intentional in that the government knows a long,  drawn-out and […]