Sunday, February 16, 2025

No power plant aids N-aquifer

April 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Mining & Water

Black Mesa Environmental Impact Statement to be reactivated By Kathy Helms Diné Bureau WINDOW ROCK — The Black Mesa Environmental Impact Statement is being reactivated, however the preferred alternative, which includes the C-aquifer pipeline, reportedly will be eliminated. John Stucker, senior mining engineer for the Navajo Nation Minerals Department’s Surface Mining Program, said Friday that […]

Summary – Black Mesa Project

October 18, 2007 by  
Filed under Mining & Water

Massive mining plans are underway that have serious environmental, social, and human rights impacts. Peabody Western Coal, the world’s largest coal company, is attempting to obtain a ‘Life of Mine’ permit from the federal Office of Surface Mining (OSM): which means a lease extension application that would permit them to mine indefinitely, and dramatically increase […]

Biological Diversity Press Release

February 6, 2007 by  
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, February 6, 2007 CONTACT: Erik Ryberg, Center for Biological Diversity, (520) 260-4157 Hamlet Paoletti, Natural Resources Defense Council, (310) 434-2300 Wahleah Johns, Black Mesa Water Coalition, (928) 863-1375 Groups Challenge Environmental Analysis of Controversial Black Mesa Mine: Feds Failed to Consider Harmful Impacts to Sacred Springs

Tensions run high at final Black Mesa DEIS hearing

January 16, 2007 by  
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Rebecca Schubert The Observer FLAGSTAFF-Gathering from communities across northern Arizona and beyond people of the many nations including the Hopi, Navajo and U.S. came together to learn and discuss the Office of Surface Mining’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The public meeting was the final in a series of 12 held by the U.S. Department […]

Feds: Benefits Outweigh Harm in Black Mesa

December 14, 2006 by  
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By Annie Greenberg Navajo Times, Dec. 14, 2006 WINDOW ROCK A draft Environmental Impact Statement put out by the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and enforcement recommends that the Black Mesa Mine be reopened and the neighboring Kayenta Mine be expanded. The justification OSM gives for the environmental harm that would follow including the […]

Urgent Action Needed Now

December 13, 2006 by  
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SUPPORT COMMUNITIES IN STOPPING MASSIVE COAL MINING EXPANSION PLANS. SUMMARY: Massive mining plans underway at Black Mesa, Arizona have serious environmental, social, and human rights impacts. Send a letter today to the Office Of Surface Mining, asking them to extend the critical deadline to allow impacted communities adequate time to prepare their input on stopping […]

Mine pipeline could dry up Leupp wells

December 3, 2006 by  
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The facts from the following article regarding the Black Mesa Mine Project’s (BMMP) plans are an outrage! Listed within is also where you can go to view the BMMP Draft EIS Statement, and when and where the public meetings are to express your comments. ———— Mine pipeline could dry up Leupp wells By CYNDY COLE […]

Black Mesa Project impacts include relocation

November 30, 2006 by  
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Gallup Independent November 30, 2006 By Kathy Helms Dine Bureau WINDOW ROCK — Peabody Western Coal Co.’s proposed Black Mesa Project would require the relocation of 17 Navajo households, the clearing of more than 13,000 acres of land, and an expected decrease in groundwater quality. According to a Draft Environmental Impact Statement released last week […]