Sheep Emergency Fund: for Black Mesa families targeted by unjust livestock impoundments
October 31, 2014 by pathfinder
Filed under Latest Posts
All funds raised will go directly to Dineh families on the Black Mesa ‘HPL’ lands who have been aggressively targeted with livestock impoundments starting on October 22, 2014. Click here for donation page

This is an emergency fund that will go directly to covering fees and costs faced by the targeted families. Funds are being collected and distributed by Black Mesa Indigenous Support (BMIS), with the guidance of Black Mesa residents. BMIS will make records available detailing how funds were distributed.
“They way that the rangers are treating the people goes against the Dineh way; it is very taboo to point a gun at somebody. They are traumatizing an already traumatized community. If overgrazing was actually the issue they could just educate people. But it’s not. This is uncalled for.”–Marie Gladue 10/26/14
“I disapprove of the impoundments. They really affect the elderly. Ever since I was a baby I was carried on a horse to herd sheep. I have herded all my life and I am in my eighties. You have the livestock in your heart, and they want to take that away.”–Jack Woody, Black Mesa Elder, 10/25/14
“Our life is connected to the life of the sheep. We are alive and strong because of them, and being close to them, being with them everyday, keeps us strong. Especially now in our old age the sheep are important to us. If we are too far from our sheep, we can become frail. “ –Clarence and Mary Lou Blackrock 10/25/14
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