Saturday, July 27, 2024

Help get the word out about the Big Mountain Training Camp!

May 9, 2014 by  
Filed under Latest Posts


Thanks so much for getting the word out about the Big Mountain Training Camp and helping to honor 40 years of Dineh resistance to cultural genocide, forced relocation, and large-scale coal mining.

This is a important moment for building a broad-coalition of resistance against Peabody.  The camp is a collaborative effort of The Elders Circle of the 40-Year Sovereign Dineh Nation Resistance, with Black Mesa Indigenous Support (BMIS), Ho’zho’ogo Nahat’a’, Radical Action for Mountain Peoples Survival (RAMPS),  Missourians Organizing for Reform/Revolution & Empowerment (MORE), and Save the Confluence

Facebook event with basic info:

Camp Webpage:

Donation link: Donate here to ensure that local organizers can participate. Make sure to designate “Big Mountain Training Camp” in your donation:
Coordinating Twitter hashtags: #Honor40Years, #Not1MoreRELOCATION, #KeepitintheGround

Check out the NEW “Honor 40 Years of Resistance” Video:


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