Sunday, January 26, 2025

Demand Peabody Energy take Accountability for their Actions Today!

January 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Latest Posts

Hi There,

Today in St. Louis folks are standing up to Peabody Energy and demanding they take accountability for their actions. Among the protesters are members of the Navajo tribe from Black Mesa and residents of the coalfields of Appalachia. They have come together in solidarity against Peabody’s devastating practices; from the relocation of Navajo and Hopi people of Black Mesa in Arizona to the stripping of Appalachian miners pensions, Peabody exploits the communities wherever it works. Can you take a minute today to tell Peabody that their practices aren’t okay? Peabody is the largest coal company in the world: let’s shut down their switchboard today!

Here’s a script you are welcome to use for your call:

Hello Mr. Boyce /Peabody. I’m ____________, I’m calling to hold you accountable for your role in the destruction of communities and the environment as the CEO of Peabody Energy. To begin to repair the damages you and your company have caused you need to immediately stop stripping indigenous lands, take financial responsibility for the Patriot pensioners and stop your role in the climate crisis.

You can call Greg Boyce’s (CEO of Peabody) home phone at (314) 925-8005 or Peabody itself at (314) 342-3400. Feel free to email him at if you’d like to tailor a longer message to him!

Your friends at RAMPS, BMIS, and MORE!



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