Sunday, January 26, 2025

United States — Navajo (Native American) Relations — Opposition to Congressional Bill Based on Human & Environmental Rights

May 17, 2006 by  
Filed under Archives

This message is sent on behalf of traditional Navajo (Dineh) residents of Black
Mesa, Arizona regarding a current bill before the US Congress regarding forced
relocation: Senate Bill 1003 Navajo Hopi Land Settlement Act Amendments of 2005.

There are provisions of Senate Bill 1003 that would require notification of
traditional Navajo that the US Federal government is demanding their relocation and
that would authorize involuntary relocatio if necessary. This has been official US
Congressional law since 1974 which has led to the relocation of 15,000 Navajo. This
action has been condemned by the European Parliament and the subject of an
investigative report by the UN Special Rapporteur for Religious Intolerance in the
first such investigation of the US.

The current status of Senate Bill 1003 is that it has been passed by the United
States Senate and referred to the United States House of Representatives Committee
on Resources. This Committee has referred the bill for comment by the US Department
of Interior.

The US Congress has received DVD’s containing a collection of statements from Dineh
residents and over 150,000 complaints representing over 3,000 individuals and
organizations to this bill based on human rights and environmental objections.

The full text of the bill and status are available online at

or directly at

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