Saturday, April 27, 2024



(Elsie)This place over here they call the Hopi Land, it was fenced off some time ago. Right near our home here by Big Mountain. Somehow the fence was cut. During the night we see our cows went in there. A week ago or so we heard from our neighbors that the Hopi Rangers were around again doing the impoundments. They didn’t warn us beforehand or anything. We rushed off to try and get our livestock back over. We got some of it but there were 3 cows missing. We went back to look for it and we saw the rangers herding it up. They got some other people’s cows too but we don’t know whose. Read more

Big Mountain Spring Survival Gathering, May 2004: Location Undisclosed & Purpose:

February 24, 2004

To Our Relatives,

We wish to state the conditions of our efforts to hold a Survival Gathering within our own ancient territories of Black Mesa.

Due to the degree of threats from the BIA, local and State authorities and examples in their previous response to the Sovereign Acts of the Dineh resistors, the location of this gathering is still undetermined. It is the request and the wishes of those resistors to not announce the exact location until a time when the scheduled Gathering nears. We appreciate your patience and understanding, at this time, when We are grasping on to the last elements of our Sovereign Rights and efforts. We thank you for your understanding. However, We ask that you keep yourself informed through your network-links with the appropriate Big Mountain/Black Mesa support groups. Read more