Friday, September 13, 2024

Emergency Call For Funding A Big Mountain Residents Court Case

March 30, 2002 by  
Filed under Voices from the Land

On March 27, 2002 Tom Bedoni was arrested at his home on Big Mountain, AZ. Tom only has until April 11th to pay for a retainers fee to his lawyer. A retainer fee of $750.00 and a total of $2,000.00 is needed for this case. There is no other assistance available. Harassment has continually escalated since Big Mountain resident Arrick Crittenden’s conviction on March 26, 2002. The level of harassment has gotten so bad that people are afraid to engage in their daily routine.

Summary of what happened on March 28, 2002:
Tom was driving home, when a Ranger working for the Hopi Tribe began to follow him . Tom was close to his house so he pulled into his driveway and parked the truck in front of the hogan. The Ranger jumped out of his truck, acting disorderly, and pointed his gun directly at Tom. Leta, Tom’s sister, saw the gun pointed at her brother and decided to peacefully intervene. In the process, Leta was handcuffed and pepper sprayed. Tom was then pepper sprayed as well. A guest and supporter that is staying at their place, then informed the ranger that she had a camera and was documenting the abuse. The threat of documentation, stopped the Ranger from further abusing Tom and Leta. The Hopi Ranger, then took Tom into custody. Tom Bedoni was arraigned and released on his own recognizance the following day. His pretrial hearing is on June 18, 2002. Leta O’Daniel was not charged, but did suffer emotionally and physically from the attack. The initial reason that Tom was stopped by the Hopi Ranger, was for allegedly speeding. On that dirt roads, there are NO posted speed limits, ANYWHERE.

Tom Bedoni’s charges are from a Hopi Tribal Ranger. The charges are as follows:
1. Civil Violation: Speed Greater than Reasonable and Prudent
2. Criminal Violation: Unlawful Flight from Pursuing Law Enforcement Vehicle
3. Criminal Violation: Reckless Driving
4. Criminal Violation: Fail to Stop on Peace Officer Command
5. Criminal Violation: No Valid Driver License

Tom is asking for your support and families are also asking for supporters to come and stay with them as caretakers and human rights observers.

For Tom’s case checks can be made out tohis good friend and accountant:
Beatrice Clemmens
100 Arundel Pl.Clayton,
MO 63105

Tom Bedoni is also willing to do lectures and presentations about the Black Mesa/Big Mountain issue and about Navajo/Dine’ culture in an effort to raise money for his legal fees.

Some Needs:

  • please send your prayers.
  • a cell phone, for emergencies
  • There is also a need for cameras ( video and/or still) and tape recorders for documenting the injustices.
  • Tom Bedoni is asking for peaceful observers to come to Big Mountain.

Observers must be able to financially take care of themselves.

Please contact BMIS if you are interested in supporting and be sure to see the Cultural Sensitivity Packet. BMIS Voice Mail: 928.773.8086

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