Saturday, July 27, 2024

Elder Faces Threat

June 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Action Alerts, Relocation

Big Mountain Elder Faces Threat of Charges for Ceremonial Lodge. Elder Served Notice That Rebuilding Ceremonial Lodge is Illegal.
Big Mountain, Black Mesa, AZ, June 2, 2008 – On Wednesday, May 20th, key traditional elder resister to the relocation laws, Pauline Whitesinger, was served a notice to halt “new” construction of an earth lodge commonly known as a hogan, and this notice was served by Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) agency deputized officers, Hopi Tribal Range Technicians. For more information and to send comments and/or demands:

Kee Watchman Statement – UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

July 26, 2002 by  
Filed under Voices from the Land

COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Working Group on Indigenous Populations Twentieth session 22-26 July 2002 Item 4. b (b) Indigenous Peoples and their right to development including participation in development affecting them Statement by Kee Watchman of Cactus Valley/Red Willow Spring Sovereign Community, Big Mountain, Arizona Thank […]

Supreme Court rejects Navajo case

April 3, 2001 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

Navajo families and activists disputing an agreement which would move them off Hopi tribal land in Arizona had their freedom of religion challenge rejected bythe Supreme Court on Monday.

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