Saturday, March 29, 2025

Needs List

October 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Latest Posts

Despite decades of struggle to repeal forced relocation laws and destructive coal mining practices, the United States continues to deny the Dineh the right of a continued and uninterrupted existence on their ancestral homelands and to carry on their traditional way of life.

  • Usage of trucks for hauling wood and water during the caravan Nov 19-26
  • Assistance with wood hauling & cutting wood.
  • Roofing repair; rolls off roofing paper and a large roll of plastic for installation.
  • Health teas and healing oils (lavender, rosemary, etc.)
  • Solar batteries, deep cell and panels
  • VEHICULAR REPAIR & VEHICLE PARTS: The rough, dirt roads on the reservation take their toll on the families vehicles.(from the washboards on the dry dirt roads and from the mud by the rains that likes to cake onto the undersides of vehicles.) A very worthwhile project is to raise funds for a skilled mechanic to visit homesites on Black Mesa, do a needs assessment, trade or purchase car parts in the border towns such as Leupp and Flagstaff, and finally, install and repair the vehicles. BMIS can assist with this much needed project wby supplying road guides, doing needs assessment, helping with contacts of junk yards, possible mechanics, and shops. Some families do know how to fix vehicles and can assist with repair, allowing for an economic opportunity while helping out in their own community. This project would require at least $2,000.00.
  • WORKING VEHICLES: Some families have no vehicle and many of those that do could use a newer one. Vehicles are vital on Black Mesa where the terrain is vast and rough. Vehicles are needed to collect wood, haul water, and other necessities.
  • Stay with a family on Black Mesa.
    Continued residency by families throughout the Big Mountain of region has a significant role in the intervention of Peabody Coal Company’s plans to desecrate Black Mesa & add to climate chaos. An elder grandmother states “We welcome people to come out and support our resistance in this way.” So consider volunteering to herd sheep or work on projects as families continue to live peacefully and defend their ancestral homelands! Herd sheep, chop wood, assist with cooking meals, help with projects and chores, and act as human rights observers. You can visit for several weeks to several months or organize a work crew for about a week. Guests are expected to be adequately prepared prior to staying with families on Black Mesa, which is high desert and very remote. Since it is crucial to have good help out there, and not create more work for the families, all supporters are required to read and sign the Cultural Sensitivity Preparedness Packet. Contact BMIS in advance so that we can make arrangements for your stay, answer any questions, and help put you in touch with a family.
  • Recording equipment
  • Tires-new or good used ones. Mainly 235/245/255/265 x 15’s and 235/245/255/265 x 16’s.
  • FOOD: potatoes, oats, beans, brown rice, peanut butter, white flour (Bluebird is excellent for fry-bread!), blue cornmeal! (locally available, for pancakes, flat bread, and hot cereal), baking powder, grains, oil, canned foods, fruit & vegetables -fresh from farms if possible, dried milk, coffee, herbal teas, fresh vegetables & fruits, fresh meat if it can be delivered frozen or cold, dry foods, nuts. Organic whenever possible.
  • ANIMAL NEEDS: Harness for small horse or mule, hay for the livestock and food for dogs and cats are very much appreciated. Dogs play an important role in guarding and herding sheep while cats keep the mice population down.
  • MEDICINE: Cedar, white sage, natural arthritis rubs, Arnica / muscle-easing salve, herbal teas, & first aid. If you are traveling to Black Mesa via Flagstaff, a wonderful place to stop at is Winter Sun Trading Post which has many Southwest botanicals. Another form of medicine is gentle massage for the Elders.
  • HARDWARE/TOOLS: Shears, axes, mauls, sledgehammers, shovels, pick-axes, hammers, handsaws, chainsaws, hoes, pliers, wire-cutters, nails, rope, sledgehammers, construction tools, drills, generators, floor jacks and tools for vehicles are very helpful.
  • WOOD! Wood! Wood! And wood choppers too. Ideally right before the cold winter months arrive.
  • MONEY: Sponsor an educational lecture series or a speaker’s travel tour. Sponsor international diplomacy efforts (i.e., Human Rights and the European Union forums) by Dineh delegates or spokespersons. Funds are needed for building supplies to be used for homes, corrals, and various other projects that are needed by families living on Big Mountain and surrounding communities.
  • CLOTHES: Nice blankets & clothes please. Horse blankets included.
  • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Lumber, Soap, toilet paper, personal items, pocket knife, matches & lighters, flashlight & batteries, propane, gas, dishwashing liquid, sponges, cloths, brushes.
  • WATER:Families are needing water, due to the damage that Peabody has done to the underground aquifer.  Several wells near the Hopi Partitioned Lands residents have been cut off and families have to travel many miles for water. Aside from helping haul water, a resident of Big Mountain has requested funding for two wells to be dug somewhere on Black Mesa for the people living in the communities on and around Big Mountain. If you can help with this, contact Black Mesa Indigenous Support via email or leave a message on our voicemail and we can supply you with further details.
  • GOOD READING MATERIALS! Books about resistance, Indigenous authors, educational books, etc.
  • MISC: radios, scanners, solar panels, blankets, batteries, lanterns, heavy duty flashlights. Additionally, several families have expressed the wish to have a huge canvas or army tent so that residents can set up community meetings and gatherings.
  • PRESSURE is needed at all levels of the government. Visit the contact list of appropriate public officials. Write letters to, call, and email the appropriate government officials, write letters to your newspaper, stage peaceful demonstrations.
  • Last but not least, people are asking for your prayers.

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