Sunday, February 16, 2025

Statement of Pauline Whitesinger, elder Dine’ resister, Edgewater Clan 2/10/10

February 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Voices from the Land

Pauline Whitesinger at Fall 2009 Caravan, closing circleGreetings to my relatives. I want you all to be aware of an incident that has occurred at my residence (Sweetwater, Black Mesa) this past week. As you may be aware we have had a lot of snow this winter. BIA road grading crews have been slow, but they have been coming. Some of them are very friendly and supportive and I had given them permission to park their machine in my front yard. A different group returned for the machine and one of their crew offended me very much in a short conversation that we had. I became so angry with him that I threatened him and chased him off. I do not know at this time what repercussions I will be facing. We are subject to whatever the BIA sends our way. The type of comments that he made are typical of the abuses we have suffered over the years resisting relocation and struggling against the government. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do the road grading ourselves. I hope that you will consider that I am alone here most of the time and I would like to have more supporters around to help with the day to day chores or matters of traditional living importance that will never be supported by the BIA or their employees no matter how big their budget is.
Thank You!

Translated by o. Johnson. Comments may be addressed to

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