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Black Mesa Caravan Projects Needs List

September 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Action Alerts, Latest Posts

Latest needs as of 09.24.2010: Please continue to check out this list, as it may change and grow as we get closer to the dates of the caravan.

  • A covering for a large dome for meetings. Either re-purchase another one from Pacific Domes or get the materials.
  • Supporters to come early to help prepare the grounds for the gathering.
  • Materials prior to the caravan to re-build outhouses and storage houses. Wood, nails, a toilet seat, pick axe, shovels, maybe paint, etc.
  • Fencing Material
  • Long-time organizer from Big Mountain, Louise Benally, requests a truck or other vehicle.
  • Chainsaws!!
  • Experienced or practiced chainsaw operators.
  • Chainsaw files and bar/chain oil.
  • Axe and Maul HANDLES. Wood is preferable over fiberglass.
  • Axes and mauls.
  • Website/tech support, please!  Email program support as well.
  • Lap-tops.
  • Wood, if local.
  • Hay.
  • Building materials: Lumber, fencing, roofing materials, tar paper, nails, screws, boxes of screws, nails, & chalking, rolls of barbed wire,fence posts, leather gloves, etc.
  • Funds or sponsorships for building materials.
  • Vehicles to donate to families. Vehicles that are able to drive on rough terrain. Trucks are the best but not necessary.
  • Trucks to use during the week of the caravan.
  • Tools of all kinds: Shovels, hoes, rakes, hammers, hand saws, hand shears, picks, mattocks, posthole diggers, and extra tool handles.
  • Portable generators.
  • Work gloves.
  • Portable stove / propane tanks, large pots to use during the caravan.
  • Food. Especially organic fruits and veggies.
  • Organic coffee and tea.
  • Water barrels, fittings, pumps.
  • Solar panels, generators, wind turbines.
  • Anyone who is self sufficient, has an open heart, and with a willingness to work! And anyone who is skilled in carpentry, permaculture, vehicular repairs, bodyworkers, electrical, etc. please notifiy coordinators. Consider driving your vehicle, vehicles are always needed to pull the caravan off.
  • Medicinal herbs. (Teas, dried herbs, fresh extracts, liniments, and salves for  stress, colds & flus, digestion, arthritis, diabetes, altitude sickness, back-aches. Please contact Dixie with BMIS.)
  • Blankets.
  • Educational books for both youth and adults.
  • Solar parts (batteries)
  • Donate money for the caravan to happen.
  • Bring money for supporting the local arts and crafts made by families.


One Response to “Black Mesa Caravan Projects Needs List”


Check out what others are saying about this post...
  1. […] Collect supplies: Chainsaws, axes, mauls, axe & maul handles, chainsaw files, tools of all kinds, organic food, warm blankets, and especially trucks (either to donate to families or to use for the week of the caravan) are greatly needed on the land to make this caravan work! Building materials, tools, & supplies are needed for projects.  Check out our Projects Needs List! […]