Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Demonstration for Black Mesa March 7th 2009 in Stockholm Sweden and Petition

February 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Action Alerts

Out of a growing concern for the recent developments regarding the OSM desicion to, grant Peabody Coal a Life of Mine Permit, for the coalmining on Black Mesa, we have decided to
hold a demonstration in Sockholm Sweden, on March 7, 2009.Tamiflu wikipedia tamiflu withdrawal 40. Disposal Expired Tamiflu rumsfeld tamiflu
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This demonstration will be held jointly with Indigenous representatives from Sapmi ( Saami land), Colombia, Peru, Chile, possibly Tibet and Inner Mongolia, aswell as with people who support Indigenous Peoples issues and Mother Earth.
We will be at Sergels plaza, in downtown Stockholm, and we will walk to the diplomatic headquarters area, to the US Embassy.
After the demonstration and march, there will be presentations at ABF eductional facillity in Stockholm, of different representatives, on the struggles of Indigenous Peoples.
Hopefully it will be possible to conclude with a joint statement, to send to media and governments, under the unifying UN Declaration for Indigenous Peoples Rights and Fundamental Freedom.

Sincerely and with gratitude
Carina Gustafsson Director/Coordinator the Wild-Oak Network Sweden

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