Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Navajo Resist John McCain’s SB 1003

June 26, 2006 by  
Filed under Archives

Click on the link to listen to the full story; by Christina Aanestad 06.26.06

Arizona Senator John McCain’s senate bill SB1003 would end the relocation
process of the remaining Navajo from land on the Black Mesa Hopi/Navajo
Reservation. The bill passed the Senate unanimously last month and is under
consideration in the House Resources Committee. The Navajo faced with relocation
oppose the bill and say relocation would strip them of their indigenous way of
life. Since 1974 Over 15,000 Navajo and 100 Hopi have been displaced from their
ancestral homes in Arizona. Opponents say that the Navajo are being moved off
their land so coal companies can mine it. The Bureau of Indian Affairs
estimates that less than a few hundred Navajo remain on Black Mesa and John
McCain’s Senate Bill 1003 would require their imminent removal by 2008. But the
remaining Navajo REFUSE TO BE MOVED.

wav file 22.2 mebibytes:


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