Wednesday, February 5, 2025


January 8, 2001 by  
Filed under Voices from the Land


From SENAA International,

During the week of 21-27 January, two events took place almost simultaneously: Jerry Kammer received a statement from BIA owned Hopi Tribal Council (HTC), which would be published in the Arizona Republic under the title, “Navajos’ Eviction by U.S. Not Likely“; and the same HTC handed down its decision on Dine’h Elder Kee Shay’s “Exclusion Hearing.”

Kammer’s article assured the public that the HTC has no intention of evicting the Dine’h from HPL, although nothing was mentioned about restorin their human rights and rights to own livestock and worship according to their cultural tradition. There was also no mention of helping them repair their homes and hogans and bring them up to livable conditions.

On 5 February, SENAA International learned that, at about the same time Kammer was given the statement that appears in his article, Key Shay received a ruling on his BIA/HTC “Exclusion Hearing.”

Kee Shay has been “excluded.”

The fact that both events happened almost simultaneously proves that everything that the BIA/HTC told Kammer was a lie. Kammer wrote his article in good faith that the BIA/HTC statement was true. Jerry Kammer was unwittingly the pawn used by the Beast In America to deceive Dine’h supporters and throw up a smoke screen to draw attention away from the “exclusion” ruling against Kee Shay.

This is just the sort of tactic that SENAA International members and most Native Americans who have been activists for any length of time have come to expect. The BIA and other government agencies regularly employ such tactics. A fighter would call it a “sucker punch.” In my 37 years as a Native American rights activist, I have seen this same trick more times than I care to remember. The ploy is an old one, but it is still effective; and it is something that all Dine’h supporters are now acquainted with and should beware of.

Kee Shay still has a fighting chance in the appeals court, where the HTC’s ruling could be overturned. For that reason, Kee Shay and his family now needs the fervent and sincere prayers of every Dine’h supporter. SENAA requests that we all take time to pray for Kee’s victory in the appeal.

SENAA International intends to step up its activity considerably. We askthat all Dine’h supporters do likewise.

May Creator bless us all!


Al Swilling, Founder

SENAA International

————End News Release————————

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